Thursday 22 November 2018

Did I do good?

Hello people of the world and welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to talk about how my speech went. My speech was about why animal names are bad. Overall I think I did pretty well with my speech and according to other people, it was really good.

Image result for speech memesDuring my speech, I still had cue cards but I only looked at it once or twice since I basically memorise my whole speech. I rare;y stumbled with my words and I gestured to my pictures to show what I am talking about.

I wouldn't change anything about my speech because if I add anything, it might make it too long or something else. I did change how I showed my pictures last minute but I think it was the right decision because otherwise, it would be confusing.

Image result for speech memesOne of my favourite speeches was Jaoquin's. His speech was basically about insults and how you should be careful when you say them. To me, he made good and clear points and overall I enjoyed it because I learnt a lot. 

So that's going to be it this week for my blog and I'll see you guys next week!


  1. nice u spelled my name wrong though lol

  2. you spelled rarely wrong
    you said rare;y
    Im gonna read the rest now
    you spelled joaquin wrong too

  3. Copycat even though you posted before me good blog though

  4. good post, apparently your speech was really good.

    i mean
    canon in b flat
