Wednesday 28 June 2017

Term 2 Goal Reflection

HELLO BANANAS OF THE WORLD AND WELCOME BACK TO MY UNNECESSARY BLOG OF USEFULNESS!!!! (I don't know what that really was) Today I shall talk about my goals I set at the end of last term and see if I have completed them or if I don't have a brain and haven't completed them.
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I can't remember most of my goals I set but I do remember some of them like my reading goal, (read more books and stay on track with the reading challenges) and my maths goal (learn A LOT of really confusing algebra questions and get used to it more).

Since those are the only goals I can remember, I can proudly say that I have not finished any of my goals! (😀😀😀) First of all I have not been on track with the reading challenges. I am no where near the end of the "10 book" challenge but at least I have finished one of the other challenges. I can't really say much about my Maths goal because we haven't gotten into algebra or formulas yet.
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The things I'm going to work on to complete my goals next term are (like I say every time) read more books, choose books that fit into challenges, and ask my teacher for me to learn algebra.

So that's about it this week for my blog and I'll see you NERDS next post!!! (I'm sorry if you were offended by me calling you a nerd)

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Teacher Reading Reflection


This has nothing to do with the post 😁😁😁😁😁😁

Hello people of the Internet-land and welcome to my blog!! Today I will be forced to talk about a book we were reading as a class and have recently finished. The book is called "Al Capone Does My Shirts". I don't really know all the things in the book since I missed the first 2 weeks of the term but I know enough to do this post.
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The book is a about a family living in Alcatraz with someone named Moose (what a great name!) who has a 16 year old sister named Natalie, who suffers from autism, and their mum and dad trying to get Natalie into a special school for her to be treated normally. The only obstacle is that she is too old to go to the school and cannot be accepted. They try lots of things to get into the school but nothing works. In the end, they eventually get Natalie in the school but I'm not going to spoil how. ( Read the book if you want to know how it ends)

I can't think of any parts I relate to the most. (mostly because I missed nearly half of the book) If I read the whole book there would probably be some part that related to me but since I'm too lazy to read and I have a terrible memory, I'm just going to say that there were no parts I related to.
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This is me trying to be smart

The two characters that stood out for me were; Moose, because of his cool name, and Piper because she was always the one breaking rules and doing what she wants to do.

That's about it this week for this post so I'll see you people of Internet-land later!!!!!

Tuesday 13 June 2017


Image result for nba live mobileHello people of the world and welcome again to my blog! Today I'll be talking to you guys about something I have been recently obsessed with and that is a game called "NBA Live Mobile"

NBA Live is an online game where you can collect from a huge variety of NBA players (both new and old) and play a game of basketball with them. There are different game modes that you can play as well as selling and buying players in an online market.

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What a great movie
I got the game on the Monday of the Queen's birthday weekend after my friend showed it to me the day before. Ever since then I've played it lots and have gotten many players of different varieties.

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James Harden with ball
"Fear the Beard"
One of the reason why I like it is because I really like basketball. The second reason is that there are always different challenges you can do because there is a game mode called "Live Events" where the game constantly makes up challenges for you to do until they expire but by then they have already started a new challenge. The third reason is the auction house in the game. In the auction house you can sell unwanted players to other online people who play the game as well as buying players from other people. 

So that's about it this week and I'll see you next time!!!!!

I'm Bored

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Wednesday 7 June 2017

Adaptation and Evolution Reflection

Image result for cartoon adaptationHello again people of the world and welcome back to my blog! (See! I have a new intro because I added "again" instead of nothing) Today I'll be talking to you guys about our Adaption and Evolution topic that we have been doing throughout this term. 

I have learnt lots of things because of this topic. Most of the time we have been watching the David Attenborough series on Galapagos and as well as focusing on Galapagos a bit of the time because there are lots of animals there that are constantly evolving now. Another thing I've learnt is about how much evolution can change different animals compared to what they were millions of years ago. I already knew how evolution works but I have came to realise about how long it can take and how much of a difference it can make on an animal.
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I don't have any suggestions or questions about what we have learnt so far and I also don't have any other things I'd like to learn or get more of an idea around of.

So that's about it this week for my blog and I'll see you guys next week!!