Monday 11 September 2017

Parliament Trip!!

Hello people of the world and welcome back to my blog!! Today I shall talk about the Parliament trip I had last Wednesday with my class. If you don't know, or if you're from a different country, Parliament is basically the white house of New Zealand where laws are decided and MPs (Members of Parliament) debate in the debating chamber on other things like how tax money should be spent.
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The bits we visited was more or less the same things we visited during my minecraft Parliament tour with me and a few other classmates. The same bits we visited was the banquet place, the debating chamber, and the parliament library which used to be the old parliament house until it was burnt by a fire. We also visited other small places that no one cares a lot about. The bits we went to in the minecraft trip but didn't go in our class trip was; that hallway with all the pictures of the past prime ministers as well as being more in depth in all the details of pictures and other hallways. The parts on the class trip (but didn't go in the minecraft trip) was; the old place for the legislative council, the media place where journalists sit (next to the education room) and one of the offices of the beehive (technically it wasn't part of the tour instead it was a friend's mum's boss's office but it still counts).
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The most interesting bit I found out during the tour was that anyone can get kicked out of the debating chamber at anytime of sitting, even the Prime Minister can get kicked out.

I didn't really learn much from the class tour (mostly because it was practically the same as the minecraft trip) so I'm just going to go on from my minecraft trip (which was before we started our topic so most of these things we would've learnt before but that doesn't matter). One of the things I learnt was how the elections work and what parties have to do to win. The second thing I learnt was about the layout of the debating chamber such as where MPs sit and where journalists, tourists and other people sit upstairs. The third thing I learnt was that to get to the fifth floor (The level where the office we visited is) you needed to climb 106 individual steps (before you ask, YES, I counted them which I found quite fun) which was a bit of a workout but it was fun.
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So that's about it for this week and I'll see you guys in the next post!!


  1. good post, but that gif is EXTREMELY DISTRACTING when i am trying to read lol :P
    also, was the whole class trip kinda boring because you already went to the minecraft one??

    1. I already said that it was boring in the post itself.
