Monday 23 July 2018

Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday

Image result for holiday memeHello people of the world and welcome back to my blog!! As this being the first post of the term, I will be forced to talk about my holidays. 

Nothing exciting happened in my holidays except for having a few sleepovers with friends. Most of the time they were with my brother's friends but I had some with my own friends (Oh wait! I don't have any...)

Image result for holiday memeAnother thing I was doing is being an anti-social by staying in my room just playing video games on my laptop the whole time. Most of the time I was playing with my friends online because I have nothing better to do with friends.

That's going to be it this week's post and I'll see you guys next week!!

Monday 2 July 2018

Production Yay!!

Hello people of the world and welcome back to my random blog!! This post will be my last post of this term so after this I won't be doing another post in about 3 weeks. For my last post this week I am going to talk about the role I got for the production that is happening next term. If you don't know what the production is, I suggest reading the post I did a few weeks ago about the auditions and a brief, no-spoiler explanation on what it is about. Link for it is right HERE!!!

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I auditioned for Curly, Wurly, or any one of the doctors but I ended up getting one of the minions which is a small role with only about 9 or 10 lines that I say in a with other people. Because of that, the lines are going to be very easy to learn but it also means that it is very boring.

Since I have a small role, I am probably going to help out on some of the other jobs like props, mics and other jobs like that. I am most interested in mics but I wouldn't mind sound effects. Even though you probably have one of the most technical jobs of all, you are under credited and you're not with friends.
Image result for acting memes
That's going to be it for my last post of the term so I'll see you guys next term!!