Wednesday 6 June 2018


Hello people of the world and welcome back to my blog!! Today I shall be talking about something most people don't know about me. I don't know what to talk about because I have a terrible memory and when there is something memorable I usually tell most of my friends. (If I have any) Because I can't remember anything that I haven't told others yet I'll talk about something that I've told some people but not everyone. 

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What I "definitely" said when I got burnt
Most people don't know about this and I can't remember this myself because I was really young when it happened but apparently I burnt my hand when I was only one year old. My parents told me that when we used to live in Japan I, for some reason, put my hand on the heater when it was on a really high setting. Because I was a one year old I apparently kept my hand on the heater as I was screaming in pain because I was really dumb. (I still am) I think I went to the hospital or a medical centre but I can't remember.

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I remember the first time I found out about this was quite a few years ago when I was looking through old baby photos of me until I saw myself on some grass with some sort of cast on my hand. When I asked my dad why I had a cast on, he told me about how I burnt my hand and all other random things.

Anyways... That's me for this week and I hope you guys enjoyed me talking about burning my hand and I'll see you guys next week!!!


  1. Just saying, the title was in fact fake and you are really dumb for falling for it. The only reason I wanted to go on the comments of this post is that if you click on the comments page it counts as a view on the blog and as well as the post instead. I wanted to do this so you can 1. waste your time, and 2. get the views on the posts from the people who click on my blog title and read it off my blog link and not my post link. Overall you basically got clickbaited for fun. And I hope you realise you're wasting you're time reading this whole comment just to realise you got pranked. I still don't know why you're reading this and if you read on you'll regret it so stop reading this comment. Why are you still reading this comment? I thought I told you to click off this post. I'm really surprised to realise that you're still wasting your time reading this really dumb and pointless comment about you being clickbaited and pranked. This is the final sentence of this comment and if you're still reading this for some reason you should get a life and read a proper book and not a boring comment.

  2. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  3. give me $1!!!!
