Wednesday 27 June 2018

Indoor Activities!

Image result for Hooray gif
Hello People of the world and welcome back to my BBBBBBLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today I shall be talking about indoor activities to do when it is wet outside.

The game I am going to talk about is called... "Running around the hallways screaming a bunch of random stuff without being told of by any of the teachers or anyone else in that matter". It is a fun game where as many people can play so you can be as inclusive as you want. To play the game you need to know how to run around hallways screaming a bunch of random stuff without being told of by any of the teachers or anyone else in that matter. Once you learn all of that, all you have to do is run around the hallways screaming a bunch of random stuff without being told of by any of the teachers or anyone else in that matter. And that's how to play "Running around the hallways screaming a bunch of random stuff without being told of by any of the teachers or anyone else in that matter".
Image result for Running around the hall gif

To be serious all I do during rainy days is just walk around being bored, read a book, or do some tasks like this.

That's gonna be all for this week's post and I'll see you guys next week!!

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