Thursday 21 June 2018

Science Fair!!

Image result for science memesHello people of the world and welcome back to my "Great" blog!! Today I shall be talking about how my science fair is going. Science fair is next week for me and I am sort of excited for it. (being the winner of it last year) I am doing okay for my science fair so far and I don't think I'll be needing to rush it. 

My science fair this year is about what type of fence design best blocks out wind. I procrastinated a lot before I started my science fair. The only hard thing about my project is the preparation. I spent at least 5 and a half hours to buy the wood and build the fence types. I have done the tests and I'm going to print everything out and glue it on my science board soon. 

Image result for spongebob science memes
I'm pretty proud of what I've done so far especially on my fences because even though none of my family members are builders, the fences turned out a lot better than my expectations.

I think my topic is interesting because it is very practical for where I live as well as building houses and even things like bicycle lanes so cyclists don't get blown over a lot. 

So that's it for another scientific post this week and I'll see you guys next time!!

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