Tuesday 16 October 2018

oh on I'm back...

Image result for back to school spongebob
Hello people of the world and welcome back to my great blog!! Today I am going to talk about how my holidays went since they ended a couple of days ago. I didn't do much these holidays except for staying at home when the weather was sunny 90% of the time.

Most of the days of the holidays I was usually on my laptop playing games but if I'm not playing games, I am usually reading. I have recently started reading the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore as I read the first two books during the holidays. 

Image result for sleepover memeThe only other thing that happened this past holiday is my brother's friends coming over for a sleepover again. We played a game called "Mad Libs" outside which is bascically a try not to laugh with water in our mouths except there's a bit of a twist. The other exciting thing we did was we had a Harry Potter movie marathon where we watched all eight movies back to back which took us like 26 hours. (Including breaks for games and sleep)

Well that's it for my first blog of the term and I'll see you guys next week! (Which will probably be about the school athletics that is happening this week)


  1. Wow... I'm commenting on my own blog! I must be really lonely...

  2. great blog Jiggs!!

  3. Tommy, if you think this is a lot you should go on Josh A's blog and look at the post with around 17 comments then you can see how long to hold enter.

  4. Nice blog. I really wanna do a Harry Potter movie marathon too, but 26 hours...? :)

    1. It's around 2-2.5 hours per movie so if you watch it back to back non-stop it will take around 20 hours. We just had breaks cos we to sleep.

  5. Harry Potter marathon sounds intense!

  6. sounds fun especially the Harry Potter

  7. Did you now Snape killed dumbledore

  8. Voldemort kills snape
